WIT Press

CO2 Budget Estimation And Mapping At A Local Scale


Free (open access)





Page Range

21 - 32




918 kb

Paper DOI



WIT Press


S. Pennati, V. Castellani & S. Sala


CO2 budget is generally based on comparison between emission and uptake. In this paper, a methodology for estimating and mapping the CO2 budget at a local scale is presented, considering various rates of uptake due to each kind of actual land use. The methodology proposes to compare data of emission developed by Italian national regional inventory with data of uptake referred to specific land uses, which were collected from literature and optimised for local condition. In literature there are several methodologies for estimating CO2 emission from different sources, whilst there are only a few comprehensive studies about the role of vegetation and soil for CO2 absorption at local scales. Moreover, experimental studies often present different results, also because of the difficulty in measuring uptake and of the influence by meteorological and climatic conditions. The proposed methodology for the CO2 budget assessment at local scale aims to provide a tool for the investigation of local situation with reference to the achievement of CO2 emissions reduction objectives: firstly, for assessing the gap between emission and uptake at a local scale and, secondly, for supporting spatial planning towards choices that can assure a higher uptake capacity. In this paper, an example of application in five municipalities in Northern Italy is presented, where emission and uptake data are mapped with GIS, enabling to highlight the uptake deficit and the role of sustainable land use planning; indeed, the objectives of the Kyoto Protocol could be achieved, reducing emissions and/or planning land use to increase the amount of local uptake of CO2. Keywords: CO2 uptake, budget of CO2, GIS, land use.


CO2 uptake, budget of CO2, GIS, land use